Digital Defiant Studios

Published: 2010-08-24 00:00:00 -0700

Amazon Penny Books

Here are some handy links for some cheap books on Amazon. They are all 4 star and up, sorted by price, and are cheap as heck. Some are not so good, but there are some nice finds in there.

amazon penny books

The used ones are mostly ONE PENNY! Grab a bunch and then maybe some new books to qualify for super saver shipping, and you’ll be scrooging it up in literature in no time.

Frugal books in Design

Frugal books in Architecture

Frugal books in Engineering

Frugal books in Foreign Language

Frugal books in Science & Mathematics

Frugal books in Psychology

Frugal books in Political Science

Frugal books in Philosophy

Frugal books in Medicine & Health Sciences

Frugal books in Visual Arts

Frugal books in Literature

Frugal books in Mathematics

Frugal books in Humanities

Frugal books in Economics

Got any other great deal tricks? Post ‘em here!