Digital Defiant Studios

Published: 2010-10-12 00:00:00 -0700

Blog pinging list (XML-RPC)

Here is a list I compiled from and

An XML-RPC list is a list of “pinging” services that allow you to notify other blogs and blogging services of your updates. Most blogging software will allow you the option to add in your own URLs to “ping” once you’ve made updates to the site.

For example, in WordPress, you can go to General>Writing>“Update Services” and add in your own.

UPDATE! 10/13/10

I’ve recently found some cool plugins that help you auto-ping and help keep your pings from becoming nuisances and thus getting you banned/blacklisted. Check out the list here:

Download the list

For this list, the duplicates have been removed and made into excel spreadsheet format for quick copy/paste/editing. Enjoy!

XML-RPC Pinging Services List (excel spreadsheet)